I have been reading Whatever Happened to Justice by Richard Maybury, and think that it is SUPER interesting. In chapter two, Maybury quotes John Quincy Adams, saying, "Our political way of life is by the laws of nature and of nature’s God, and of course presupposes the existence of God, the moral ruler of the universe, and a rule of right and wrong, of just and unjust, binding upon man, preceding all institutions of human society and government."
Wow! So, this means that unless we believe in God, then our political life, our laws, the constitution, will not make sense. But there are plenty of people who don't believe in God, and I am sure that they feel like they understand the law perfectly well! Maybury himself, in a later chapter, explains that there are really only two fundamental laws: do not encroach on another person or their property, and do all that you have agreed to do. He clearly states that no matter what God you believe in, no matter what religion you follow, most everyone agrees upon these laws. So, why is Maybury implying that unless we believe in God, our Constitution will not make sense?
Well, let's go back in time a little bit, to the year 1787. In that year, the Constitution was written by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was asked by a Committee of Five to write the Constitution. The Committee consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, and Rodger Sherman. Why did the Committee want Jefferson to write the Constitution? These four men wanted Jefferson to write the constitution to secure their freedom and rights. The pilgrims had fled England so that they might worship their God in peace. Our founding fathers were not about to give up the rights that they had fought for so hard to any other kings, monarchs, or sovereigns. They loved being able to worship their God their way! So Thomas Jefferson wrote a document that clearly stated our freedoms and our laws. He was able to do so because the pilgrims had founded a new land so that they would be able to worship God in peace! The whole idea behind the New World was freedom of religion!
Thus, the constitution was written to protect religious rights! So what John Quincy Adams is really saying, is "Since our country was founded on religious rights, beliefs, and freedoms, anyone who does not know and love God, will not ever be able to fully appreciate or understand our constitution." Sure, America has other freedoms and rights that other countries do not, like freedom of guns, speech, and of assembly, but the main freedom that America, and every American, possesses, is freedom of religion. Even though the two fundamental laws keep us in order, and non-believers can still understand the constitution, it will never mean as much to them as it does to Christians.
So, what is the point of all this? Well, maybe it's because I myself didn't quite understand what Adams meant until now :). But I also think that it is extremely fascinating how and why America works, and the more I study it, the more I become intrigued. God and America's government are inseparable. No matter what the government says or does, God's power has been knit into the foundations of America, and sooner or later, politicians will have to realize that. Every time we say the pledge of allegiance, we agree that this, our country, was built upon the foundations of God's Word, and that cannot be changed.
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