
Monday, September 8, 2014

First Storm in the new House

This post is a bit of a joke, considering I wrote it about a month ago! Yes, I agree with you, I am terrible about keeping up with my blog:). Still, I hope you enjoy it, this post has a bit more action than the others.
Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled outside. A scream, followed by a frantic scramble. “Get the kittens!” I woke with a jolt. From my bunk bed, I could see through a high window a clump of trees blowing wildly, and the grass being crushed from the pounding rain. I jumped down and ran to the door. From there, I could see the wind blowing the rain across the roof. I pushed open the creaking storm door and grabbed my 11-week, black and white kitten, named Merry (after the character from LOTR, we have Frodo and Pippin, too!), which Sophie had just rescued from a pile of broken and tossed over outdoor supplies. My dad grabbed the kittens’ kennel, and we hurried them inside.  Only then did we notice that one of the kittens was gone! After a frantic search, made by Sophie and me, we found that Pippin, the little runaway, was hiding under the dumpster! We cold not get him out, so instead, left him there. Then, Sophie and me ran inside where we dried off and put on fresh clothing. After that, we all huddled up on the couch, where we tried to get some kind of Internet connection. When electricity goes out in the country, it doesn’t come back on for quite a while. One time, my friends in Klondike were deprived of electricity for a whole week! Only when you don’t have it, do you really understand how much you depend on electricity.  There, on the couch, we sat. In the dark. Trying to get connection was pretty much useless. My dad was the only one who was even sort of succeeding. Eventually, our little group broke up. Sophie and Zoë went to play card games, Mom went back to bed, and dad tried to get some work done. As for me, I walked into our bedroom and began to type up this post. The storm is not so horrible anymore, it has quieted down a bit, but outside, it is still dark, and rather frightening. Sophie and Zoë just walked in, they found Pippin! The poor little cat is still wide-eyed, and a bit frightened, but he’ll be okay. I hope that it will not rain tomorrow; for that is the day we are supposed to start horse camp! For now, however, I will try and focus on today, and get ready for a host of things that await me.

Repotting Trees

I have been at our farm in Mineola since Thursday. I am really, really, really tired! We have been re-potting all our 1,000 trees from 1 and 3 gallon pots, to 15 gallon pots. If I thought that three gallon pots were heavy, I was much mistaken! Not only have we been re- potting, but we have also been fertilizing, watering, tying to bamboo sticks, and moving trees to the front of the house, it's been a lot of work! Luckily, we are not alone! My Nana and Papa came all the way from Mansfield to help us work on our farm. In addition to this, Mr. Mike Little, A.K.A. Superman, and his faithful sidekick,  A.K.A. Aiden Little, came to our aid, yay! All in all, we have moved about 600 trees, what an accomplishment! We have already used about half the dirt that we bought (finally, a way to see our progress!), and are working on the other half.

P.S. Just as a totally random idea, take a look at my friend Gabe's blog (, and check out his post: Longest English Words And Their Definitions, under, Miscellaneous.