Let me start off by saying that I thought that the movie definitely did not include enough of the original material from the book in it. The movie had a whole new plot line about a young girl, wrapped up in her struggle of trying to get into a special school. Getting into this school was considered a real accomplishment, and this little girl tries very hard to get into it, thinking that getting accepted was the most essential thing to her "Life Plan". From there, the producers weave in the story of The Little Prince, and how Exupery's ideas of how the most important thing (love) can be implemented into our lives. Probably eighty-five percent of the movie was made up material. Honestly, I think that the original story by Saint-Exupery was way better than the one created by the producers, and I think that the movie would've been great without the additional material. They even went to such an extent in adding in the new plot that large chunks of the book were not included!

So, overall, I enjoyed the movie, but thought it could use some improvement. I think, personally, that the book deserved more attention and cover, and that the movie had too much new material. I would probably rate this movie 3 stars out of five. It was a very touching and beautiful story, and for that reason I appreciated it. I think that this was a well-made movie, and, while it could have used some improvement, it is well worth watching.