
Monday, January 20, 2014

The Minoan Religion

Oxford First Ancient History

The Minoans had many gods and goddesses. However, the mother goddesses was the highest of them all. The Minoans did not have any large statues or temples dedicated to their gods, they had small shrines. To give an offering to the mother goddess, the Minoans had to first be anointed by a priestess in order to “wash off their sins”. Only then could you give your offering to the goddess. Many times an animal was sacrificed, yet other times, a golden ornament, sword, etc. could be brought and placed into a chest for the mother goddess to keep. In mythology, we often see that gods of war and battle are worshiped. Yet, no pictures of gods and goddesses partaking in war or even hunting have been found in the Minoan ruins, at all! You may be wondering, is there a Minoan afterlife? Archaeologists have found that on the sides of Minoan coffins, there were pictures of the dead person in the afterlife, walking with the mother goddess, receiving the offerings that his relatives and friends were giving him. The Minoan tombs were shaped like beehives, in these buildings the deceased man's friends would place gold jewelry, swords, and ornaments around the coffin in honor of the dead man. More importantly than anything, the Minoans loved and honored their gods, they were one of the most god-fearing nations. They truly believed in, and honored their gods.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Minoans

Oxford First Ancient History

On the island of Crete, which lies in the Mediterranean sea there lives a long lost kingdom, the kingdom of Minos. Knossos, Crete’s palace, was built by Minos. Minos was said to own a terrifying bull-man. Every year he would send his ships to Greece. When the captains arrived at Greece, they would demand 7 young girls and 7 young men to enter Minos' labyrinth. When the Grecians found the middle of the maze, the bull-man would be there, waiting to devour the poor victims.We do not know if this really ever happened, but we do know, that there was a king Minos, and there was a great, twisting winding, huge palace, Knossos. Remains have been dug up, they show that Crete really was an amazing place. Houses, built from stone and brick dotted the busy roads. Beautiful pottery has been found that has pictures of dolphins, fish, and octopus on it. The great palace Knossos has even been rebuilt! This palace is a true amazement! With about one thousand rooms, Knossos itself is a maze! Bathrooms, throne rooms, bedrooms, dressing rooms, and many others made up Minos’ breath-taking palace! But enough about the place, let us talk of the people, the Minoans were a very happy busy people, who loved to bull wrestle, dance, sing, etc. the men wore kilts, fastened with a rope at the waist, and the girls wore frontless shirts with long skirts. They had varying occupations, from weavers and merchants, to fishers and farmers, each Minoan was kept busy. Crete must have been a very interesting place, and I am very exited to learn more about it!

Augustus Caesar's World Creative Narration


Rome is falling, quick and fast!
Please, O Brutus, save it!
You alone can change the hearts
Of Romans, small of wit!

Mark Antony is trying
To claim Rome for his own,
He has Caesar's money
He will take the throne!

No more will there be democracy,
No more will there be peace,
Mark Antony will rule,
That vile, wretched, beast!

Octavius was adopted,
In Julius Caesar’s will,
But Antony will do all he can
To keep the papers, still!

I do not like the look of this,
There will be civil war!
But if we bring back consuls,
Rome can be restored!

A few attempts have been made,
To save Rome from tyranny,
But none have been successful,
Please Brutus, make yours ring!

Make it ring in the hearts of Romans
Make it clear, to Antony,
That we won’t tolerate
A bit of tyranny!

Please, O, Brutus, please!
You saved us from one rebel,
Now help your country once again, 
Now save us from more trouble!

So now Brutus, I plead of you,
Fight for what is right!
Fear no mortal man,
And join in our fight!