Book of Marvels
When Christianity was brought to France, an amazing
cathedral was created, in the town of Reims. This cathedral was unlike any
other that you have ever seen, colored glass reflected light off the walls, and
beautiful statues of angels and saints decorated the glittering halls. Even a
beautiful statue of the country’s heroine, Joan of Arc stands before the
cathedral, which is covered in beautiful architecture. Would you like to see
this marvelous cathedral? Of course you do! Let’s go! On our way across the
Atlantic, I tell you of the Reims cathedral’s history. This wonderful cathedral
was bombed by the Germans, and now, only a few of the original towers remain. Crumbling
walls blocked the passages, and arms of saints and wings of angels have been
knocked off their owners. Most of the statues, if not all, have been replaced.
Yet, the originals were much more lovely and delicate than the replacements.
Even though the Reims cathedral has been scared for life, it stands nobly,
along with many others of it’s kind. As we walk down the road which leads to the
Reims Cathedral, we are prepared for an amazing sight, however, when we reach
the cathedral itself, we are awestruck by it’s beauty and strength. The strong
walls of the cathedral are decorated by lovely, delicate architecture. Standing
in front of it we can see how horrid war and fighting really is. And, we can
respect and honor God, for the beauty of this amazing building is all directed
towards Him.